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Working at the Spray People Group

Please scroll down for career opportunities at The Spray People Group, The Spray Nozzle People, The Professional Sprayers People, The Safety Shower People, The Air Nozzle People and The Fulfilment People.

Our entire company philosophy is based on having good people with the right attitude. We believe the following facts about business:

  • People buy from people
  • Relationships are important in business
  • The rush to automate interactions with customers comes at a heavy price
  • A customer and a supplier should always be able to talk to a human being
  • Having good people is the most important strategic strength of any business
  • Finding and retaining good people is the biggest challenge all businesses face

This is why we have the word “people” in all our companies’ names.

Current opportunities
We are not recruiting for an vacances at this time but please check back soon.

About the company

Why do we exist? 

The Spray People Group’s purpose is to take expert care of the nuts and bolts so that, together with you, we can make the world better.

All our businesses do “little bits” (nuts and bolts) by which we mean we are not involved in anything grand and huge like feeding people, generating power, or curing diseases. Our “bit” is small and often not even thought about by the public. But those little bits are still really important. We aim to do our little bit very well. In doing this very well we make the complex, difficult, and hassle causing jobs simple. We take care of it, so our customers and suppliers don’t need to think about that bit anymore. This gives them freedom to get on with doing the great things they want to achieve. This frees them to get on with making the world a better place. We see ourselves as a small cog in a truly mighty machine.

How do we add value? 

Our mission is to be in it together with our people so they can be in it together with you

It’s all about the people. By “in it together” we mean having strong collaborative and mutually beneficial relationships. Business is not about profit any more than living is about breathing. Yes, we need to breath to survive just as a business needs profit to survive but it is a grave error to confuse something like breathing with the actual meaning of life. We need to breath to live, we need to make profit to survive, but we don’t exist to breath anymore than we exist to make profit. There is far more to life than this! Just as with life in general, what makes business meaningful is the relationships we create and nurture. These relationships may be with customers, suppliers, employees, or wider society. A healthy relationship requires mutual respect and “give and take”. Both parties must benefit from the relationship but, more than that, for truly good relationships both parties must have shared dreams.

What we do?

What we do as a business is things like sell spray nozzles or deliver 3PL services. Our values, however, dictate what we actually do when going about these tasks. They govern the everyday behaviours that allow us to be “in it together”. As long as we hold to these values we will create the necessary conditions to achieve our “in it together” mission which in turn will ensure we fulfil our purpose.

Our values

  • CURIOSITY – We seek to understand where others are coming from and what the underlying causes of problems are. Through this curiosity we find that solutions often manifest
  • COLLABORATION – We work in genuine partnership with others for a mutual good rather than simply serving ourselves.
  • CREATIVITY – We think for ourselves, independently and use our brains to solve problems
  • CARE – We treat others with compassion and empathy
  • CALMNESS – We deal with problems with grace and without fuss
  • ACCOUNTABILITY – We take responsibility for our actions, words, and commitments.

It’s all about the people

In order to attract and retain high-quality people, we do things a little differently than most SMEs.

Most companies will give product and job training but we take things a little further. Of course, product and job training will be given but we are interested in developing people as a whole and their overall level of competence as fully rounded human beings. We believe that by creating a trusting work environment where staff can work on their weaknesses as well as capitalise on their strengths, then they can truly evolve and become universally more capable.

As our people develop in this way they benefit from gaining access to new skills and ways of thinking. The business benefits from having more competent people. Personal, continual development is a core part of our overall business strategy and is integral to our culture.

PDP document

Air Nozzle People Logo Color
Spray Nozzle People Logo Color
Professional Sprayers People Logo Color
Safety Shower People Logo Color
Fulfilment People Logo Color

Need help or have a question?

Please contact our experienced team who would be delighted to help you with any questions or projects you may have.

Contact us

+44(0)1273 400092